Monday, July 21, 2008

With much anticipation

I have been thinking about this day, this post for sometime now. Honestly the only reason I didn't start earlier was because I couldn't think of a name for my blog or figure out how to create one. But thanks to my wonderful sister in-law, Ona, I have a background and a few pictures. There will be more to come as soon as I figure it out. It can't be that hard, after all I did graduate from nursing school. As far as a name, I have chosen to name my blog, "This is our Story". We all have a story, it's how we've gotten to where we are and who we've become. I hope to tell our story to family and friends and whoever happens to stumble upon this blog. More importantly I hope pass on my faith to the next generation, to tell my story to my children. That they may know and rely on Gods love and faithfulness.

"O God, You have taught me from my youth; And to this day I declare Your wondrous works. Now also when I am old and grayheaded, O God, do not forsake me, Until I declare Your strength to this generation, Your power to everyone who is to come." Psalm 71:18


Ona said...

Well let's not get to far ahead of ourselves. I really don't want to think of myself gray-headed.
Welcome to Blogger Land. Now lets see if you keep it up:)

LizzyG said...


This is just too great! I'm so excited to check in on you and find out how you're doing. Maybe I should put some pictures of you and Jon in high school on my blog and introduce you. :)

I'm so glad you're in blogland now. I hope you have a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

You made my day sista!!!

And I keep trying to email you and it keeps coming back to me. Email when you get a chance!

LizzyG said...

Thanks for the verse you shared with me. It blessed me so much.

Lindsay said...


I am so glad you started this! I have seen snippets of your fam on Ona's blog and I can't wait to read more!