Thursday, July 24, 2008

Advice Needed

I have been excited about each new stage my boys have gone through but I'm dreading potty training Isaiah. I don't think he's looking forward to it either. But last week he actually wanted to get some big boy underwear and he picked out his own toilet seat. So I went with it. Today while he was napping I set his new seat on the toilet and laid out his new underwear. He was more interested in putting the seat on his head and he wouldn't even put on his underwear because he said they were too tight. I don't think this is going to be easy. So I'm seeking advice from some of you seasoned mom's out there who have gone through this. Where do I start? What do I do?


Ona said...

Oh, Oh !!!! Tight underwear...sounds like he's following in his big cousins footsteps.

Lindsay said...

I am in the same boat right now with Anna. She will be 3 in November. I just found a book (from the library) called "Mommy I have to go potty" by Jan Faull. It has a lot of great ideas for parents and really encouraged me to go for it with Anna. I also checked out a bunch of potty books for kids and read them to Anna.

I starting with letting her choose underwear and putting her on the potty, even if it's with clothes on at first. Then gradually moving to letting her wear underwear for a couple hours a day. Anna is on day 3 and is in underwear most of the time. One thing I learned was not to ASK her if she need/wants to go (because she will always refuse if it's not HER idea). Just make it part of your routine and say, "ok now its time to sit on the potty". I give her one fruit snack if she goes potty and 2 for poop. She loves that.

Also, she's super into taking care of her babies so I will have a baby go with her to the potty and she shows the baby how she does it. I am the "voice" of the baby aksing her questions, etc. She is really strong willed and independent so she feels like she is doing the teaching. If Isaiah is really into cars or a certain character you could play that up.

I have been really frustated with Anna (seems like the boys were way easier) but I encourage you to just keep at it, and not make it a HUGE deal. They won't be in diapers forever. :) I am no expert, but I know it takes a lot of motivation and patience. Hope it goes well!!

Glory Laine said...

Tobin was 3.5 before he decided to be potty trained. I tried, I really did. But after clean up accident after accident I realized I was fighting a loosing battle. If he wasn't ready, I couldn't make him be ready. (oh and I had just had the twins and I think he like the attention of still feeling like my baby.) The hardest part was not letting other parents or grandparents judge you or him for not being trained right at two. I had to just let it go and know that he wasn't going to be driving a car with a pull up on so I wasn't going to worry about it.
Literally one day Tobin just said he didn't want to where diapers any more and that was the end of it. No accident. He just had to want it.

About sleeping. I think you must have seen an add of sleep solutions on my side bar. I don't know anything about their product. When I was having issues with Tobin not sleeping though the night, I found a lot of help with the book, Healthy Sleep, Happy Child (or was it Kid?) You'll have to google it. I really liked their approach and it did help.

Parenting Sucks,

Angela said...

I have no advice for you. Dylan was potty trained right away. He hated it when he had a wet diaper. He would cry and cry and it would barley be wet. I just put some underwear on him and he was pretty much good to go. Trey is going to be another story. So I feel like I am going to be right there with you with Mr.Trey.

Janell said...

Thanks for all the wonderful advice ladies. I will keep you all updated.